Cycle 3 PDSA

Gallery Walks & Student Critique

PDSA Cycles have consistently been a productive method of improving my teaching style.  Trying something new, however small, and then looking at the data, talking with students, and seeing how it impacts my classroom has really helped me better understand what works and what doesn’t.  For our two PDSA cycles during Cycle 3 we wanted to create opportunities for students to look at each other’s work and give each other positive feedback and kind, helpful, and specific critiques.  Below are pictures of students engaging in a gallery walk and giving feedback while working on a project during my Humanities class.

After students completed a gallery walk where they looked at each others’ work, and gave feedback, I asked students to write  on an exit ticket the most helpful feedback they got for their work.  Students  had participated in gallery walks and critique sessions before, but this was the first time I asked them to share the feedback they recieved with me.  Below are examples of the student exit tickets.

Looking at other peoples work has been a great way to get students to see the value in working together.  Critique is a different form of collaboration than what I usually think about, but at it’s heart, it’s still students working together to try create something new.  Many of the exit tickets show that even though the feedback might not have been  extremely helpful, it was able to furhter their thinking and bring a new perspective to their project work.  I’ ll definitely continue to do gallery walks and  have students  give each other feedback going forward.
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